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Registration and Enrolment

Registration for Government Gateway

What is the Government Gateway?

The Government Gateway is a website used to register for online government services. It lets people communicate with and make transactions with a number of government departments from a single point of entry.

You will need to be registered with the Government Gateway if you wish to use CTS Online. If you already have a Government Gateway registration you will just need to enrol for the CTS Online service.

If you do not have a Government Gateway User ID, please click the 'Register as a Keeper' button. This will enable you to register for a Government Gateway User ID and to enrol your holding for CTS Online.

How do I register?
To register, you only need to enter your name and create a password. Government Gateway will generate you a 12 digit User ID, you will need this User ID and password in future to log into CTS Online.

You will then be taken to the Enrolment screen.

Getting Started

Enrolling for CTS Online
What do I need in order to enrol?

To enrol for CTS Online you will need a set of information referred to as Known Facts

  • Your CTS holding ID (CPH number or slaughterhouse number)
  • Your CTS Online reference number for that holding (received in a letter from BCMS)

If you have lost these then you will need to contact BCMS to have them re-issued.

What if I have more than one holding?

If you have more than one holding you can have multiple enrolments under the same Government Gateway user id and password. To do this you will need to repeat the enrolment process for each holding. This means that you can use CTS Online to switch between your holdings in the same login session and report movements to and from multiple enrolled locations.

If you submit transactions on behalf of other businesses you should enrol for the 'BCMS CTS Online for Agent Access' . You can enrol in this service as well as the 'BCMS CTS Online service'. You can find out more about Agent Access by clicking here

Registration for Government Gateway as an External Official
If you do not have a Government Gateway user ID please click the 'Register as an External Official' button.

Enrolling for CTS Online as an External Official
If you already have a Government Gateway user ID, please click the 'Enrol as an External Official' button.

Already registered on the Government Gateway?