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News Banner
CTS-Online down for scheduled maintenance tonight from 19:00 to 21:00
Phase 2 Migration Testing.
Hello there! Testing Article Management in Pre-prod (t2) environment.
Phase 2 Migration Phase 2 Migration Testing.
Welcome News Banner Automation Test.
I am creating and updating 'Welcome News Banner' page for testing in Post Migration Preprod Envi (24042023).
Welcome News Banner Test Automation
What can I do with CTS-Online?
You can use CTS-Online to report births and movements, on and off your holding. You will receive notification that we have received this information. At any time, you can ensure that we hold an accurate record of your cattle. You can also transfer data files to and from a spreadsheet or a farm management package.
"A very easy and quick method. It saves a lot of time, and there is not the same chance of errors in reading the tag numbers from the application forms, and you are not relying on the post."
CTS-Online is simple, efficient and free. It saves you time and paperwork and is always available. By working online, you can be confident that all records are accurate and that you will receive your passports with no delays.
Agent Access

If you wish to appoint an agent or you are an agent and wish to enrol you can find out more about Agent Access by clicking here.

How do I get started?

Preparing to use CTS Online is a three step process. You will only need to go through the first two steps once.

  1. Register with the Government Gateway
  2. Enrol for CTS Online
  3. Log in to CTS Online
  1. If you do not have a Government Gateway User ID, you will need to register for Government Gateway before you can enrol for CTS Online.
    For instructions on how to Register for Government Gateway follow the
    Registration and Enrolment Process
  2. If you have not yet enrolled to the BCMS CTS Online service you will need to do so. You will need your CPH number and CTS Online ID to enrol for the service
    For instructions on how to enrol for the BCMS CTS Online service, follow the
    Registration and Enrolment Process
  3. If you have successfully enrolled for the BCMS CTS Online service, click the 'Log in' button to access the service. You will need your Government Gateway User ID and password to login.